Spring Fling

1-day friendly indoor tournament


April 12, 2025


$40 per person
$245 per team up to 7 players
Additional players incur a fee of $35, with a maximum of 10 players.


Catholic University
Raymond A. DuFour Athletic Center
600 Taylor St. NE 
Washington, DC 20017
Catholic University
Dufour Athletic Center
4400 John McCormack Rd NE, Washington, DC 20011



What is it?

  • Friendly 1-day indoor volleyball tournament organized by DCPVL
  • 3 competitive divisions: BB, B, and C Division
  • Teams may have up to 2 players from one division higher than they register/play in (e.g., a BB team may have up to 2 A players, etc.).
  • All Divisions have a 5 Team Cap. Caps may be adjusted as we get closer to the tournament.
  • Pool Play followed by single elimination Playoffs (best 2 out of 3 sets)

Who can play?

  • Anyone can register and play, provided they are at least 18 years old on the day of the tournament‍

Registration & Matchmaker

  • Captains must register their team.
  • Click here If you are interested in playing but do not have a team.
  • Captains will use that link to find additional players.‍

Pool Play/Playoffs

  • The pool play schedule will be posted closer to the tournament.
  • Pool play will consist of 4 matches.
  • Each match will be 2 games to 25, win by 2 with a cap at 27.
  • Pool Play matches capped at 40 minutes (5 minutes of warm-up and 35 minutes of play).
  • Playoffs begin immediately after pool play. Single elimination bracket.
Table of contents